How much does Eyelid Surgery cost?

Total cost for eyelid surgery can be anywhere between £4,000 and £6,000 depending on what procedure you require. Dr. Frati will discuss this in your initial consultation as it is important to discover which surgery best fits your needs.


Is Eyelid Surgery Risky?

There is always risk involved in cosmetic procedures, that is why having a trusted and reputable surgeon like Dr. Frati in your corner is well with it. With eyelid surgery, specific risks can include temporary blurred vision, or haematoma which is bold collecting under the skin; this should go after a few weeks.


How long does Eyelid Surgery Take to Recover?

Whilst you will be able to go home the same day, swelling and bruising probably won’t go down for up to 3 or 4 days, and it could take up to two weeks before one feels comfortable going back to work.


How long does Eyelid Surgery take?

Between 1-2 hors is the norm for eyelid surgery